Designing a better world…
Public sector organizations today are responsible for addressing some of the most complex socio-economic and environmental issues (or wicked problems). From COVID-19 health emergencies, through to poverty, conflicts, homelessness, unemployment, education, climate change and more.
Inspired by the work from Strategyzer (Osterwalder et al), the following set of canvases bring together concepts from human-centered design and system thinking which are argued to be critical for good public sector policy making (OECD 2017-21). These models ask the question – “what impact are we having on our world?” and explores the causal effects (both positive and negative) to help build more effective public services.
Download the canvas here:

Introducing “Impact”
‘Impact’ is what the public service is seeking to achieve. Public services start with an objective – how is this service going to solve a specific issue? How is it going to move the dial? How is it going to change our world for the better?
As part of exploring impact, public sector organizations use design & system thinking methods (e.g. user research, life event journey maps, system maps, causal loop diagrams, etc.) to assist exploring service impacts, including socio-economic and environmental impacts and others…
Public Service Model Canvas
Explore business models with the Public Service Model Canvas. Start with the purpose of your organization and impact you are seeking to achieve (e.g. reduce homelessness, obesity, improving education, etc.). Explore the impact with system thinking methods and list the results under Impact.
Explore your customers, key touchpoints and human needs. Use human-design methods and design thinking to explore these issues further.
Further explore the feasibility and viability of your products/services through Service Offer, Collaborators, Budgets and more.

Public Service Value Proposition Canvas
Move the dial on the change you are seeking to make in your world.
Explore the value of your service from both a customer and systems prospective. The new ‘Impact’ section to the Value Model Canvas brings together the Objectives (world image) of the service along with the causal elements that either ‘help’ (+) or ‘hinder’ (-) change.